Our next installment of the Players Spotlight is Marco Marino, #61 for the Lazio Ducks. The 5’10 270-pound lineman is a part of the 2002 class and began his football career last year with the Ducks. From the the beginning, he made it apparent that he wanted to play O-line, a very unusual request but symptomatic of his character and grit. Having played guard and center for the junior team this past fall season, he immediately showed how dedicated he was to improving his craft. Consistently putting in the time and effort really evolved his soaring abilities. But this past Sunday the Ducks had a need at right tackle, a position in which he had not practiced all season. And to say he performed well would be an understatement. The Parma Panthers’ defensive line is one of the best in the league and he held his own consistently making play after play. He rose to the occasion and helped anchor the line in refute of the Panthers’ pass rush. His technique is still evolving and his aggression shows how he is able to dominate opposing defensive linemen whether it be at the tackle or guard. Although the Ducks, unfortunately, came up short in the game, they found a hidden gem with Marino at tackle. Look for him to continue his impressive play when the Ducks face the Case Western Reserve Spartans on May 8th.